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Préparation Certification SSA Pega Test4


Date de création: 22/10/2022

Catégorie: Autres

Questions numériques : 70
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Which of the following is not a valid action for Flow Action Pre-Processing ? (Choose One) Savable Data Pages Apply Data Transform Run Activity Robotic Automation.
Given the following scenario : Three processes are unrelated and can be performed in sub-processes that proceed independently and in parallel. When the sub-processes are complete, the main application process can continue. How to implement ? (Choose One) Assignment Split For Each Split Join Split Parallel.
Given the following scenario : doctoral research candidates must attend interviews with three different panels, in any order. The candidate is admitted if any two panels have selected the candidate. How would you implement it? (Choose One) Use Split For Each with a join condition of Any Use Split Join with a join condition of Any Use Split For Each with a join condition of Some Use Split Join with a join condition of Some.
A developer is working on a case where she needs to use parallel processing with a join condition. Which of these sub-process options support configuring the join condition as some ? (Choose One) Spinoff, Split For Each Split join, Spinoff Split join, Split For Each Split join, Split For Each, Spinoff.
I wish to maintain a very large list of values in my application that change frequently and required no localization what would be the best approach to support this ? (Choose One) Define the new values as a local list on a property Define the new values in a database table Define the new values using field value rules Define the new values using an activity.
Assignment urgency is recorded using the .pxUrgencyAssign property. Pega Platform calculates ; pxUrgencyAssign, as the sum of which three input properties? (Choose Three) .pyUrgencyAssignAdjust .pyUrgencyAssign .pyUrgencyAssignment .pxUrgencyAssignSLA .pxUrgencyWork.
Assignment initial urgency - 20 timed delay of two hours. Goal - one hour, increase urgency by ten. Deadline - two hours, increase urgency by 15. A case associated with this assignment is created at 8 AM. At 11:30 AM, what is the urgency of the assignment ? 10 20 30 45.
You add a new Work Group to an application. Which two organization records do you need to update ? (Choose Two) Unit Operator ID Class groups Work queue.
Data API is a valid category for the Pega API. (True or False) True False.
You need to set two exclusive locks on a case at runtime. How do you achieve this ? (Choose One) Select the Lock Count on the Settings tab of Case Designer Write an Data Transforms to set the LockCount property on the clipboard Use the Lock Count setting in App Studio This cannot be configured.
When a user submits the flow action, the system applies any data page configured as a post-processing action. (True or False) True False.
Which action do you take to address an immediate need to return a response from an invoked service ? (Choose One) Configure an email that is automatically sent to the user and describes the technical details of the error. Display an error message and write the error to the log file. Use the LiveUI tool to detect and display errors in the data page. Use the response data transform for errors not detected in data pages.
In Pega Platform, you can define the starting time for assignments that are associated whit a service-level agreement by using the Assignment Ready field. What are the available options in the field ? (Select all that apply) Dynamically defined on a property Immediately Initial Urgency Now Ready Assignment Time delayed.
Which three of the following service purposes can the Service Wizard configure ? (Choose Three) Create and manage work Invoke existing activity rules Generate reports and manage report definitions Manage users and security policies Process input or output data.
Which of the following is not an Action supported by Access Control Policy ? (Choose One) Read Discover Recover PropertyEncrypt.
Which two of the following actions do you take to address permanent errors? (Choose Two) Ask the user to retry at a later time Implement a process for investigation and fixing of the error Post a note to alert the end user of the error Write the details of the error to a log file.
Parent - Auto Claim, Child - Damage Appraisal. One user may open and work on a case. Users working on Damage Appraisals should not lock out users working on Auto Claim cases. Which of these configurations would satisfy this requirement? (Choose Two) Select Allow other user to access parent case when the child case is open option on the Locking landing page on the Damage Appraisal case type Select Allow other users to access parent case when the child case is open option on the Locking landing page on the Auto Claim case type Select Allow one user on the Auto Claim case type Select Allow multiple users on Damage Appraisal case type.
Which property in the assignment urgency calculation allows a user to manually adjust the urgency on a case-by-case basis ? (Choose One) .pyUrgencyAssign .pyUrgencyAssignAdjust .pyUrgencyAssignSLA .pyUrgencyWork.
When you configure a Flow Action with pre-processing and post-processing actions, how often are the actions performed ? (Choose One) The first time the Flow Action is selected Depends on the likelihood associated with the Flow Action Whenever a user selects the Flow Action Depends on the Action Count defined on the Actions tab of the Flow Action rule.
Which of the following are valid ways to create a Service? (Choose Two) From App Studio select Channels and Interface > Services From Dev Studio select Configure > Integration > Services > Service Wizard From Dev Studio select Records Explorer then Integration-Services and right click Service type then Create From Admin Studio select Integration > Services > Service Wizard.
Which of the following Access Control Policy actions allows the user to have restricted visibility to property values, including property values with read and update access ? (Choose One) Read Discover PropertyRead PropertyView.
Access Control Policy Conditions may reference an Access When Rule?. (True or False) True False.
Which of the following rule types are used to implement Attribute-Based Access Control. (Choose Two) Access Control Deny Access Control Policy Access Attribute Policy Access Control Policy Condition.
A connector can be directly referenced from _____ and _____ ?. (Choose Two) Activities Data Pages Data Transforms Flows.
Which of the following are true about Edit Validate rules?. (Choose Two) Are implemented in Java Are developed in App Studio Validate based on a pattern of characters Validate based on conditional logic.
There is a need to retrieve data from a legacy system (with no supported API available) before a view is presented to a user when a Flow Action is selected. Which option best meets this requirement? (Choose One) Use Robotic Automation as a post-processing action Use a Savable Data Page as a preprocessing action Use Robotic Automation as a pre-processing action Use an Activity as a pre-processing action.
In which of the following situations would a Listener be used? (Choose One) Invoking a Connector Invoking a Data Page Handling a Service Handling Robotic Automation .
Which statements are true about Edit Validate rules?. (Choose all that apply ) Edit validate rules represents Pega's low-code approach to development You define edit validate rules on properties You use an edit validate rule to check if an input is a date or not Validation with an edit validate rule is based on the input format.
The following use case is to be implemented: Fiels in a view are populated with data and when submitted, certain values need to be added to a page on the clipboard and also written to an external SOR. Which option best meets this requirement ? (Choose One) Call a Data Transform and Robotic Automation as Flow Action pre-processing. Call a Data Transform and Savable Data Page as Flow Action pre-processing. Call a Data Transform and Savable Data Page as Flow Action post-processing. Call a Data Transform and Background Process as Flow Action post-processing.
The use of a keyed data page returns a list of instances of a class and the key allows you to access one specific instance in this list like a lookup in memory?. (True or False) True False.
Which of the following are defined in a calendar?. (Choose all that apply ) Work / Business days Holidays Operator's unavailability periods Time zone.
Calling a connector is an example of inbound request. (True or False) True False.
When users select their insurance plan, the online application displays the description. There are hundreds of request per day and the plan information is only updated once a year. Which is the best implementation for this use case ? (Choose One) Create a data page for each separate plan Create a Read only keyed data page with insurance plan information Create a Savable keyed data page with insurance plan information Create a Read only Node scope data page with insurance plan information.
Edit validate rules can be referenced from which of the following ?. (Choose Two) Property Flow Action Section Validate rule.
Which of the following items is NOT involved in configuring application settings ? (Choose One) Category rule Owning Ruleset Product rule Production Level.
You use keyed data pages to make application data processing more efficient by increasing the number of server trips. (True or False) True False.
Which of the following scenarios would be appropriate use of attribute-based access control? (Choose One) Assign a privilege to an access role to allow an activity to run in a given class Preventing access to a case when the Production level is increased to 5 Allow a operator to take on three different roles in executing an application Mask out the account number on a form if you are not a member of the HR group.
When the Allow multiple users setting is selected on the parent case type, how can the default timeout be set for the child case? (Choose One) Child Case Type > Settings > Locking > Timeout Parent Case Type > Settings > Locking > Child Timeout Update the Dynamic System Setting for ChildLockingTimeOut It canot be configured.
In a banking application, multiple operators are processing credit card requests from various users. Two officers should approve every credit card request; however, the order is unimportant. How can you satisfy the requirement? (Choose One) Configure case locking and select Single User as the option Configure case locking and select Pessimistic as the option Configure case locking and select Optimistic as the option There is no need for any additional configuration. This is the default locking behavior of a case type.
The Application Settings can be referenced by which Data Page to load the configuration values? (Choose One) D_LoadConfigurationSettings D_pxGetApplicationSettingValue D_pxGetSettingValue D_pxLoadApplicationSettingValue.
To provide instant access to a particular item in a list-structure data page, you can enable Access pages whit user defined keys. (True or False) True False.
The Pega API provides a standard set of services that includes new case creation, assignment processing, and access to data pages. (True or False) True False.
Which of the following case locking strategies does Pega use to balance user access with the need for data protection ?. (Choose Two) Pessimistic case locking Allow multiple users Allow exclusive user access Allow one user Optimistic case locking.
Which of the following service purposes can the Service Wizard configure?. (Choose Three) create and manage work Invoke existing activity rules Generate reports and manage report definitions Manage users and security policies Process input or output data.
Which of the following can be selected when running the Application Packaging Wizard?. (Choose Three) Case (work) instances. Applications Access Groups Java code archives.
Which of the following are true about using keyed data pages?. (Choose Two) All data is loaded onto the data page during the first request A trip to the data source is required for each unique query When another request to the data page with a different key value is made, the products are already on the data page Only one key may be specified for key access.
You create a product rule to generate an application archive for export. Which two actions do you perform before creating the archive file?. (Choose Two) Unlock the application rulesets Associate application data with application rulesets Check in the rules that are in the application rulesets Create a new version of the application.
When setting the production level in the system record, which of the following is production level 4? (Choose One) Development Production Qualify assurance Sandbox Staging.
In Pega applications, you model complex exceptions through circumstancing where you create variants of a rule tailored to specific conditions. (True or False) True False.
A date property rule variant is effective when the application must apply the circumstance after a specified date or during a specified date range. (True or False) True False.
In which of the following situations would the rule in the lower ruleset be selected, event if the rule exists in a higher ruleset version within the same class hierarchy ? (Choose One) The rule in the higher ruleset version is set to Available The rule in the higher ruleset version is set to Blocked The rule in the higher ruleset version is set to Not Available The rule in the higher ruleset version is set to Withdrawn.
Two Sub-units that report to the same business unit of the same organizational structure. What would be the best way to implement this ? (Choose One) Create two different organizational structures (Organization - Division - Unit) for each sub-unit Add the sub-units to the same Organization - Division - Unit Add the sub-units to a common work group This can no longer be done with Pega Infinity.
An availability of Blocked indicates the rule is run at the end of the rule resolution process. (True or False) True False.
A product tule identifies which of the following to be exported?. (Choose Three) Rulesets and ruleset versions Data Instances Relevant records Applications.
During rule resolution, a rule with an Availability set to Withdrawn also effects rule in lower and higher ruleset versions. (True or False) True False.
Pega provides two methods for creating new versions of an applications. Each method preserves the prior application versions. (True or False) True False.
Which of the following are true about Application Validation mode?. (Choose Two) Rules in the ruleset can reference rules outside the current application stack Rules in the ruleset can reference all rules in the rulesets defined in the same application Rules in the ruleset can reference all rules in the rulesets belonging to any built-on application Rules in the ruleset can reference rules above the defining application.
When using lock and roll, you create a new empty ruleset version, then update the configuration, only copying the necessary rules into the new ruleset version?. (True or False) True False.
The New Application wizard creates two rulesets for the application itself and two organizational rulesets by default. (True or False) True False.
What is the primary reason for creating a team application? (Choose One) It is the only way to create branches To isolate your teams development branches from other teams It is the way that production rulesets are promoted It is easier to merge branches.
The Ruleset RS:01-01-03 contains the rules X, Y and Z. Rules Y and Z need to be updated. The developer performs a lock and roll to 01-01-04. Which rules are copied into RS:01-01-04?. (Choose Two) Rule X Rule Y Rule Z None as no rules can be copied.
The Export Wizard allows you to package using which of the following options ? (Choose One) By system name By operator name By ruleset and ruleset version By class name.
When creating a new application based on the Pega Platform with the New Application Wizard, which of the following are out-of-the-box (OOTB) options?. (Choose Two) Theme Coroner Theme Cosmos React Theme UI-Adopter Theme Cosmos.
The person performing the lock and roll or skim must understand the application structure?. (True or False) True False.
The case-locking strategy applied to a child case is independent of the strategy applied to the parent case. (True or False) True False.
A Purchase Order case is instantiated as a child of a Purchase Request case. Select the suitable locking option that allows editing of the Purchase Order by many operators simultaneously ? (Choose One) Enable the Allow one user locking strategy on the Purchase Request case type Enable the Allow one user locking strategy on the Purchase Order case type Enable the Allow multiple users locking strategy on the Purchase Request case type Enable the Allow multiple users locking strategy on the Purchase Order case type.
To report on a case and the associated worklist assignments, which Association rule would be used ? (Choose One) pxWorkBasketAssignments pxWBAssignments pxWorkListAssignments pxWLAssignments.
You can call any of the Pega API services by using standard HTTP methods ? (True or False) True False.
Work Groups allow resources to be shared among units, divisions, to the entire organization? (True or False) True False.
Ir a rule is checked out, the checked-out version of the rule is included in a package for migration ? (True or False) True False.
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